B1DG0PK1 - 607 EW12J4 ENGINE
[1] Pipe with adapter for valve SHRADER (-).0141-T1 .
[2] Cylinder head bolt socket (-).0185 .
Remove the shield under the power train .
drain the cooling system .
Detach the exhaust pipe from the manifold .
Remove the 2 bolts (1) .
Remove the style cover (2) .
Lower the fuel pressure by connecting the end of the tool [1] to the valve SHRADER; catch the fuel in a receptacle .
Remove :
Remove the bolt (5) .
Disconnect the connectors (6), (7), (8), (9) .
Remove the sensor (10) .
Remove the compact coil unit (11) .
Remove the cylinder head covers (12) .
Disconnect the pipe (13) .
Disconnect the pipe (14) .
Move aside : The heater matrix pipes .
Move aside the harness support (15) on the water outlet housing .
Unclamp the vehicle speed sensor harness .
Disconnect : The water housing outlet pipes .
Move aside the intake manifold (Plug the cylinder head openings) .
Remove the retaining fork and its securing bolt (16) from the coolant pipes (17) and (18) at the rear of the water outlet housing .
Remove the cylinder head bolts, Using the tool [2] .
Remove the cylinder head and gasket .
Remove the rigid pipe from the water outlet housing .
Clean the joint faces with an approved descaling product, Do not use sharp or abrasive tools, The joint faces must not have any trace of knocks or scores .
Maximum permissible bow = 0.05 mm .
Clean the threads of the cylinder head bolts in the cylinder block using a thread cutter .
Check that the pins (21) are present .
Fit a new cylinder head gasket (TOP (22) inscription upwards) .
Position the pipe (23) on the coolant pump .
Fit the cylinder head, with the camshaft pulley pegged .
Position the pipe (23) on the cylinder head, the gaskets having previously been coated with grease .
IMPERATIVE : do not re-use cylinder head bolts if they are longer than 129 mm .
Coat the threads and the contact area under the bolt head with MOLYKOTE G RAPID PLUS grease .
IMPERATIVE : tighten the cylinder head bolts in the order shown,using the tool [2] .
Stage 1 :
Stage 2 :
Stage 3 :
Stage 4 :
Stage 5 :
Continue the fitting operations in the reverse order to removal .
IMPERATIVE : fill with oil the cups above the hydraulic tappets .
Refit the bolt (5) in the cylinder head intermediate bracket, Tightening torque 4.5 da.Nm .
Refit the cylinder head covers fitted with new gaskets in the order indicated .
Stage 1 :
Stage 2 :
Fit : The compact coil unit .
Fit : The inlet manifold, Tightening torque 2 da.Nm .
Continue the fitting operations in the reverse order to removal .
WARNING : strictly follow the fastening and routes of the various harnesses and pipes .
IMPERATIVE : replace : the exhaust clip .
Initialise the various ECUs .
fill and bleed the cooling system .