[1]Cross beam (-).0102-D .
[2]Lifting chain (-).0102-M .
[3] Camshaft setting rods (-).0187-B .
[4] crankshaft setting rod (-).0187-A .
[5] Belt retaining clip (-).0187-J .
[6] Camshafts setting check rod (-).0187-CZ .
[7]Depending on the vehicle, the engine may be installed inclined or straight .
[8]Outlet camshaft hubs immobilisation tool .
Remove the shield under the power train (if necessary) .
remove the style cover .
Remove the left style cover .
Position the cross beam [1] fitted with its chains [2] and take the weight .
Remove :
Remove the power steering pump pulley .
Remove :
Remove :
Remove the support (7) .
NOTE : the operation to peg the camshafts is made easier by first slackening the pinion bolts and turning the camshafts (using the tools [7]-[8]) ; lightly oil the rods [3] before assembly .
Peg in the order :
Remove the bolt (8) .
Slacken the bolts (9)-(10) and the nut (11) .
Remove the tensioner roller (12) .
Pivot clockwise the excentric cam of the tensioner roller using a type FACOM R.161 tool at (B) .
Remove the timing belt starting with the tensioner roller and the coolant pump .
Ensure that the camshafts and the crankshaft timing are correct .
Check that the rollers (13), (14), (15) as well as the coolant pump (16) turn freely (no play or hard spots) .
In the event of replacement, Tightening torques :
Slacken the bolts (17) by 1/4 turn .
Check that the camshaft pinions rotate freely on their hubs .
Turn the 4 camshaft pinions clockwise as far as the stop at the end of the slots .
Engage the timing belt on the crankshaft pinion .
Immobilise the belt using the tool [5] .
Position the belt on the free-rolling roller (13), Span (C) of the belt correctly tensioned .
NOTE : slightly turn the camshaft pinion in the opposite direction to the rotation of the engine in order to engage the belt on the pinion .
Locate the belt on the camshaft pinion, left-hand exhaust .
IMPERATIVE : the angular displacement value of the pinion in relation to the timing belt must not be greater than the width of one tooth .
Engage the belt :
Refit the roller (12) : Tightening torque 8 da.Nm .
Engage the belt :
Engage the belt simultaneously :
Using a FACOM S.161 type tool, at (A) pivot the plate to engage the bolt (8) .
Tighten the bolts (8), (9), (10) to 2,5 daN.m .
Tension the belt by pivoting the tensioner roller fully (anti-clockwise); use a FACOM R.161 type tool .
Tighten: The nut (11) to 1 da.Nm .
IMPERATIVE : check that the camshaft pinions are not at the end of the slots (by removing a bolt) .
If this is not the case, restart the belt fitting operation .
Tighten at least 2 bolts per hub to 1 daN.m, In the order shown (18) - (19) - (20) - (21) .
Remove the tool [5] .
Remove setting rods [3] and [4] .
Turn the crankshaft 2 turn(s) in the direction of running .
WARNING : never turn back .
Fit the crankshaft setting rod (Using the tool [4]) .
Slacken the nut (11) (1/4 turn(s)) .
Align marks (D) and (E) of the tensioner roller using a type FACOM R.161 tool .
Tighten the nut (11) to 2,5 da.Nm, Without altering the position of the roller .
Remove the crankshaft setting rod [4] .
Turn the crankshaft two revolutions .
WARNING : never turn back .
Peg the crankshaft (Using the tool [4]) .
Check the position of the tensioner roller .
Peg the camshaft (F) using a rod [3] .
NOTE : if the rod [3] does not fit into its housing fit the tool [8], slacken the bolts (17) by 45°, peg the camshaft by means of the rod [3], using the tool [8] .
NOTE : if the rod [3] fits into its housing, unscrew the bolts ((17)) by 45° ° .
Carry out the same procedure for camshafts (G), (H) and (I) .
IMPERATIVE : check that the camshaft pinions are not at the end of the slots (by removing a bolt) .
If this is not the case, restart the belt fitting operation .
Tighten in the order :
Remove :
Turn the engine over 2 times in the normal direction of rotation .
IMPERATIVE : never turn the crankshaft in the reverse direction .
Fit :
Check that the camshafts checking rod [6] engages freely in the cylinder heads (J) stopping at the camshaft pinions .
If this is not the case, restart the belt fitting operation .
Remove :
Proceed in the reverse order to removal .
Tighten :
Fit :
Tighten :
Refit the timing covers .
Tighten in the order :
Refit the power steering pump pulley : Tightening torque 0,8 da.Nm .
fit the ancillary drive belt .
Refit the right-hand engine mounting .
Tighten :
Refit the torque reaction link .
Tighten :
Continue the fitting operations in the reverse order to removal .