C4AB04F1 - 607


NOTE : unless otherwise stated, all the parts are galvanized both sides .

reference \ description part with part number thickness comment(s)
(1) scuttle closing panel no 0.87 high strength steel
(2) windscreen aperture rear crossmember no 0.97 -
(3) scuttle spacer no 0.97
(4) steering column upper fixing strengthener no 0.97
(5) wiper motor bracket no 0.97
(6) windscreen aperture rear crossmember lining no 0.97
(7) windscreen wiper bracket no 0.97
(8) steering column fixing spacer no 1.95
(9) scuttle closing panel assembly yes - 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8
(10) bulkhead no 0.67 high strength steel
(11) bulkhead stiffener no 1.47 high strength steel
(12) front crossmember of front floor no 0.97 -
(13) bulkhead scuttle cross member yes 0.97
(14) bulkhead assembly yes - 10+11+12+13