Options Screen



On this screen you can set a number of Options.


Select Com Port


Set the COM Port to which you have connected the 
Interface Adapter.   You can then click "Test" to see 
if VAG-COM can find the adapter.  Note:  The adapter
must be plugged into the car in order to be "found"!  
(It gets power from the car).  




The "LEDs" button is useful for testing a port's outputs
with a special cable that I provide "on loan" to people
who are having difficulties getting the program to 
communicate with the car.


Debug Output

A zero in this field (the default) means NO debug
output whatsoever. This should decrease VAG-COM's
susceptibility to interference by things like virus scanners
(except when logging data). To generate Debug Output,
put a number in this field. The number should be
decent-sized (like 100). Small numbers
will generate very little information.





Color Scheme颜色方案

This display mode changes the background color from
blue to white, and looks better on some older monitors.
The change will take effect after you close and restart


Protocol Options通讯协议选择

It should not be necessary to change the the 
Starting Baud or KW2 Delay or TST Addr. unless you
are having difficulties communicating with a particular
controller. Contact us for advice if you are.

Starting Baud KW2 Delay 还有 TST Addr没有必要修改


Blk Int, or Char lnt affect the protocol timing.  In order
to get the highest sample rate possible in the 
Measuring Blocks screen, set these to 25 and 0 respectively.
Note, however, that this may cause unreliable communications
 with some controllers. The KP2 Time parameter only
applies to controllers using the KWP-2000 protocol.
 This parameter was previously hard-coded at 100.
 Decreasing it increases the sample rate in Measuring Blocks
 on control modules that use the KWP-2000 protocols.
 The current default value is 55, which should be safe
for all  applications, but it it's not, you can always increase
 it again (to a maximum of 99). If in doubt,
use the Restore Defaults button!

Blk Int, Char lnt是设置查看数据流时的通讯参数的,


KP2 Time 这个参数是你用KWP-2000通讯协议的时候才有用的


Using the Reduce CPU Usage checkboxes will greatly
increase responsiveness of other apps running at the same
 time as VAG-COM. The disadvantage is somewhat reduced
sample rate. Using this feature with KWP-1281 *may* make 
the session with some control modules unreliable.

Reduce CPU Usage选项就是把CPU的占用减小




If you are an individual user or independent mechanic, just
leave the WorkShop Code set to "0000" and VZ/Importer
number set to "000". The VZ/Importer number is essentially a 
"region code" extension  to the Work Shop Code
(should be 444 for US, 999 for Canada). If you are using
 VAG-COM at a Dealership, enter your Dealer's Workshop Code
 and  VZ/Importer number.

 The WorkShop Code  is found on the Admin screen of
a dealer's VAS-5051, as well as on the dealer's stamp.
 For example, using the stamp below, the dealer's number
is 401/742. To derive the Work Shop Code, drop the first digit
 and use the remaining digits in order. So, Evergreen Terrace
Volkswagen has a WSC of 01742. This only applies to
US VW dealers. Canadian dealerships use a 4-digit number
 on their stamp. To find the WSC, place a 9 before their number.

VZ/Importer number and Work Shop Code are not easily changed
once set on this screen. Contact us  for advice if you need to do so.

WorkShop Code 把它设成 "0000" VZ/Importer
把它设置成 "000".就可以了,这个对我们检测汽车没有影响的.

Restore Defaults
will reset all Protocol Options
to their "as-delivered" settings.

Restore Defaults是恢复到缺省的状态.

Save / Apply / Cancel 保存/应用/取消

These do what you would expect. 
Save causes the current options to be stored.保存设置,以后有效
Apply lets you use and test the options without storing them.使设置这次生效
Cancel takes you back to the Main Screen without any effect.取消设置


Click on one of these to return to the Main Screen
in this Demo...