Output Tests
(VAG 1551/1552 function 03)

The Output Tests function is used to test a 
Control Module's Electrical Outputs 
(and the wiring that connects it
 to the various devices)


The Outputs that can be tested and the sequence
in which they become active is controlled strictly
by the Control Module; this is not a function of 
the Diagnostic Tester.   To find out which Outputs
can be tested and the sequence in which they
will become active, please refer to the 
Workshop Manual for your car.

It is not possible to gracefully interrupt the Test 
Sequence once it has been started.   Clicking
Done, Go Back while an Output is active will
cause a "Close Controller" command to be 
issued.   That means you will have to wait for 
the session to be re-established before continuing
with other functions.

Most Control Modules will permit the Output
Test Sequence to be run only one time per
session.   If you run the Test Sequence to
completion, VAG-COM will allow you to return
to the previous screen without closing the 
session, but you may not be able to run 
the Output Test Sequence again.  If you
need to run the Sequence again, manually
Close the Controller and re-start the session.

Some Outputs require additional action before
they become active.  Fuel Injectors are a common
example.  To activate a Fuel Injector, you must press
(and in some cases release) the gas pedal.   Exact
details can be found in your Workshop Manual.

The Output Test Function is only available on 
Engine Controllers when the Engine is not running.


Do not use the Output Tests function on any system while 
the car is in motion!   Running Output Tests on the ABS 
brake system can temporarily disable the brakes entirely 
and cause individual wheels to lock and unlock.

I strongly suggest you refer to the Workshop manual for
 your specific car before running Output Tests on any 
Control Module so you will know what to expect!

Use Done, Go Back to return to the
Controller Info / Select Function screen.

Shareware Limitation(s)

This function is not available in the Shareware version.