1 HP User Management Administration Guide
2 Table of Contents
3 Overview
3.1 Purpose of this document
3.2 Introduction
3.2.1 User Roles
3.2.2 Licensing Model Examples and Tips:
3.2.3 Cascaded Workshops
3.3 Administrative Functionality and the User Roles
3.4 Configuration
4 Basic administrative tasks - start here
4.1 Login
4.2 Main Menu
4.3 Enter EWA net server StartKeys
4.4 Server Configuration
4.5 Manage EWA net Workshops
4.5.1 Working with multiple workshops
4.5.2 Search for Workshops
4.5.3 Create a new Workshop
4.5.4 Edit an existing Workshop
4.5.5 Delete an existing Workshop
4.6 Manage EWA net Permission Groups
4.6.1 Search for Permission Groups
4.6.2 Create a new Permission Group
4.6.3 Edit an existing Group
4.6.4 Delete an existing Group
4.7 Manage EWA net Users
4.7.1 Search for Users
4.7.2 Create a new User
4.7.3 Edit an existing User
4.7.4 Delete an existing User
4.8 Import of Market Specific Notes
5 Advanced Administration
5.1 Easy import Users, Groups and Workshops
5.2 User Management Administration via Web Services
5.2.1 Introduction
5.2.2 Accessibility
5.2.3 Example Web Service Administration Web Implementation
5.2.4 Service Methods authenticateUser startApplication createUser createUser2 getLicenseTypes getLicenseDurations getActivationOptions getCountryCodes getUser updateUser updateUser2 updatePassword deleteUser getUsers findUsers findUsersByGroup isUserActivated createGroup deleteGroup updateGroup getGroup getGroups findGroups findGroupsByWorkshop createWorkshop deleteWorkshop updateWorkshop getWorkshop getWorkshops findWorkshops
5.2.5 Complex Types
5.2.6 Faults
5.3 Backup and Restore the user management database
5.4 Parts Pricelist Administration
5.4.1 Files exported from official Daimler price CD
5.4.2 Files exported from SPICS
5.5 Access to application's statistic data
5.6 Editorial Support for Market Notes
5.7 Show server log files
5.8 Logoff / Session timeout / Automatic Logoff

1 HP User Management Administration Guide

Daimler AG

2 Table of Contents

1 HP User Management Administration Guide

2 Table of Contents

3 Overview

3.1 Purpose of this document

3.2 Introduction

3.2.1 User Roles

3.2.2 Licensing Model Examples and Tips:

3.2.3 Cascaded Workshops

3.3 Administrative Functionality and the User Roles

3.4 Configuration

4 Basic administrative tasks - start here

4.1 Login

4.2 Main Menu

4.3 Enter EWA net server StartKeys

4.4 Server Configuration

4.5 Manage EWA net Workshops

4.5.1 Working with multiple workshops

4.5.2 Search for Workshops

4.5.3 Create a new Workshop

4.5.4 Edit an existing Workshop

4.5.5 Delete an existing Workshop

4.6 Manage EWA net Permission Groups

4.6.1 Search for Permission Groups

4.6.2 Create a new Permission Group

4.6.3 Edit an existing Group

4.6.4 Delete an existing Group

4.7 Manage EWA net Users

4.7.1 Search for Users

4.7.2 Create a new User

4.7.3 Edit an existing User

4.7.4 Delete an existing User

4.8 Import of Market Specific Notes

5 Advanced Administration

5.1 Easy import Users, Groups and Workshops

5.2 User Management Administration via Web Services

5.2.1 Introduction

5.2.2 Accessibility

5.2.3 Example Web Service Administration Web Implementation

5.2.4 Service Methods authenticateUser startApplication createUser createUser2 getLicenseTypes getLicenseDurations getActivationOptions getCountryCodes getUser updateUser updateUser2 updatePassword deleteUser getUsers findUsers findUsersByGroup isUserActivated createGroup deleteGroup updateGroup getGroup getGroups findGroups findGroupsByWorkshop createWorkshop deleteWorkshop updateWorkshop getWorkshop getWorkshops findWorkshops

5.2.5 Complex Types

5.2.6 Faults

5.3 Backup and Restore the user management database

5.4 Parts Pricelist Administration

5.4.1 Files exported from official Daimler price CD

5.4.2 Files exported from SPICS

5.5 Access to application's statistic data

5.6 Editorial Support for Market Notes

5.7 Show server log files

5.8 Logoff / Session timeout / Automatic Logoff

3 Overview

3.1 Purpose of this document

This document describes the User Interface of the Hewlett Packard User Management (HP User Management) System. The Interface is provided by a Web based application allowing to perform lots of administrative tasks within EWA net, like setting up workshops, groups and users as well as entering access authorization information or performing a backup/restore of the user database. The administrative user interface is embedded into the generic Web application of EWA net. Based on a role model for users it is determined during logon what rights the user has in the EWA net application. Accordingly distinct masks will be hidden or displayed.

3.2 Introduction

This chapter introduces some basic concepts of the EWA net User Management.

3.2.1 User Roles

EWA net supports different user roles. All of them can start the client applications WIS net and EPC net. The use of such user roles within the client applications will evolve over the time. These user roles will be used within the EWA net User Management.

  1. Workshop User:
    This is the standard role for users working with the system. They have only access to the start screen and some basic self-administration tasks like cleaning their VIN Cache, modifying specifics of their account data, access the download area,...
  2. Workshop Administrator:
    Users of this role have all the rights a Workshop User has, but within the Workshop they have even administrative rights to maintain users of this specific Workshop, like deleting users, creating new users. They may also free access authorization accidentally locked  in this workshop.
  3. Server Administrator:
    Users of this role have all the rights for administrative tasks within EWA net. They can create, modify and delete workshops (if the support for multiple workshops is switched on), backup/restore the user management database, import a bunch of groups and users via XML, maintain parts pricelists,...
    When you start EWA net the first time there is already one user setup: the root server administrator. This user cannot be removed and many attributes like the workshop and group he belongs to or the user role cannot be changed.

Once you login to the system the first time on a clean and fresh installed system, you can only login as the server administrator - the only user currently known in EWA net. You will be asked for a new password for this user. We highly recommend that you immediately after a successful login additionally change the properties of this administrator (like real name, email address,...). You should also modify the Workshop number of the default workshop to the correct one of your physical workshop and might also like to change the name of the default group in the system.

The HP user management makes use of its own database for authentication and authorization tasks. Depending on the type of EWA net installation ("local" or "central") the chosen DBMS might differ. But the data model is always the same. All User Management related database tables begin their table name with "UM_".

The entity relationship for the most important data objects is:

USER belongs to exactly one GROUP belongs to exactly one WORKSHOP.

Important Note for administrators updating EWA net < 1.3 to a 1.3 version:
This is a major difference to the versions of EWA net before 1.3. The former versions of EWA net had a loose relationship between USERs. GROUPs and WORKSHOPs. I.e. Two users could belong to the same group, but to different workshops. The data model did not enforce them to be part of the same workshop as well.
This has changed now and database migration processes take care with an heuristic approach to migrate this data model if you update from a EWA net version < 1.3. We recommend all administrators performing such an update to check their user data after the update.

If you made use of several workshops, you will see that after the installation you will only see one default workshop with workshop no. "000000". After migration of your user database all users that either could not be matched to a workshop or were already part of a workshop with workshop no. "000000" will be visible here. But as EWA net in the standard installation has the feature of multiple workshops switched off, you will not see all the users being part of other workshops you have setup. Don't panic, they are still there. Just see the documentation about the user management configuration or directly the key "cascadedAdministration"

Additionally beginning with EWA net 1.3 also users with administrator role will be able to start applications - once their workshops and groups are setup in a way that gives them access to those applications. By default the system administrator will be installed in a group which does not consume any access authorizations. But if you want the administrator to gain access to the applications you have server access authorizations for - this is just a mouse click away. See the chapters about Workshop and Group configuration to find out how to change the permissions of groups and workshops.

3.2.2 Licensing Model

EWA net with the HP User Management runs a so called "Named access authorization" model. This means: Examples and Tips:

3.2.3 Cascaded Workshops

By default when you install EWA net the system will run in a simple administration mode which restricts you to exactly one workshop. This workshop automatically mirrors all the access rights from the Daimler server access authorizations. You can change some attributes (like Workshop No., Description,...), but that's it basically. This workshop of course can contain an infinite number of groups which allow you to distribute fine grained access rights to users in these groups.

There is a more sophisticated feature available once you switch your server into the so called "Cascaded Workshop Administration". This is especially helpful for hosters which host several different workshops. Once this mode is on you will notice that you can

  1. Setup more than one workshop
  2. Fine grained distribute your user access authorizations from the server access authorization to the workshops
  3. Delegate administration of workshops to individual administrators within these workshops (by use of the role Workshop Administrator)

In this case you might find it helpful that all the screens show statistic information about the number of access authorizations assigned to users and workshop. This should help you make the best out your Daimler server access authorizations.

3.3 Administrative Functionality and the User Roles

A lot of administrative functionality is available in EWA net. The following matrix shows in detail, which operation can be performed by which user role.

FunctionServer AdminWorkshop AdminWorkshop UserComment
LoginüüüSame for all user roles
Get new passwordüüüSame for all user roles
Start MenuüüüAll Administrators will also be able to start applications, depending of the group/workshop rights they have.
My Profile -> PreferencesüüüSame for all user roles
My Profile -> AdvancedüüüSame for all user roles
My Profile -> My MessagesüüüSame for all user roles
Server Management ->
   Edit Server access authorization
ü(ü) Only access authorization pool activity for the Workshop Admin and only scoped to his workshop
Server Management ->
   Show Management Console
ü  Only for server administrators
Server Management ->
   Backup and Restore
ü  Only for server administrators
Server Management ->
   Import Users, Groups and Workshops
ü  Only for server administrators
Server Management ->
   Parts Pricelist Administration
ü  Only for server administrators
Server Management ->
   Server Configuration
ü  Only for server administrators
Workshopü  Only for server administrators
Groupü(ü) Restricted for workshop admins to groups only within their own workshop
Userü(ü) Restricted for workshop admins to users only within their own workshop
Messagingü(ü) Workshop admins can send messages only to users of their own workshop
Downloadüü(ü)Workshop Users can only see the download files of spoolers if they have the user right to do so.

Only server administrators have access to application related access statistics

Documentation ->
   Administrative Doc
üü Only for Server and Workshop administrators
Documentation ->
   User Doc
üüüEnd user documentation is visible for all user roles
About EWA netüüüSame for all user roles
Log offüüüSame for all user roles

3.4 Configuration

The HP-UM can be configured via a related XML-file, called um_cfg.xml. Here the type of user management is chosen, the connection data to i.e. an LDAP server is set up and some important properties for the behavior of the EWA net application will be defined. For details please refer to the OperationManual.

Some parts of this configuration can be performed by the server administrator after a login and then navigating with the menu bar on the left side to "Server Management -> Server Configuration".

4 Basic administrative tasks - start here

4.1 Login

The first task an administrator must do is to login to the HP User Management admin console. If a workshop user logs in he will only see a subset of the tasks an administrator has access to.

By default after a new installation the User Management will run in “Own” authentication mode which means that is is fully independent of any other user directory. See your favorites in the Internet Explorer and follow the link to “EWA net” or directly enter in the URL field of your browser:

http://<server>:<port>/EWA-net/ , for example:


You should be presented a screen like this:

Depending on the setup you will see or not see a box above the login field called "System Check". This check, if enabled, tells you for the system you are running the browser on, whether it is capable of running EWA net correctly. This check is based on Windows Active/X scripting. It may happen that local security policies do not allow to run this script (this is what happened in the screenshot above). The box visualizes mainly following states:
- Grey: Indicates that the check could not be run at all
- Green: Your system is fine regarding the Java requirements and should run without problems
- Orange: Your system has Java and Java WebStart installed but not in the supported versions. There's still a good chance of running EWA net successfully, but it is not officially supported.
- Red: Your system does not fulfill the basic requirements and therefore is expected not to run the EWA net clients correctly.

You can find more information on how to switch this check on or off in the login screen here.

Here you must enter the admin login / password pair. After running a clean new installation of EWA net, there is one server administrator in the database with the credentials:

To avoid that this simple password will remain and to minimize security risks, after a first successful login to the system as administrator you will be forced to immediately change this password.

The same password will not be accepted again and it must comply to the password policy of EWA net: it must be at least 4 characters in length and may not be the same as the previous password.

If the login does not match, you get an error message on the same page. After a successful login you are directed to the main menu.

4.2 Main Menu

Right after logging in you will see the start screen of EWA net.  And you will be faced with the general screen design within the EWA net user management:

  1. A common header bar displaying the EWA net logo, the name of the user and some status information
  2. A so called banner bar indicating
    - major system problems in regards to licensing in red color
    - normal and important information messages (only the 3 most recent ones) in yellow color
  3. The main navigation on the left side

None of your applications can be started right now, as an error is displayed in the banner bar clearly indicating that the server has not yet any access authorizations installed. In this case you will not be able to start any application. Also many administrative tasks cannot be performed in this state.

The left side shows the menu bar in which you can navigate for performing your task.

To get your system up and running in a correct way, you should now perform the following tasks to modify the standard installation to one that is appropriate for you. This is a short overview, we will learn soon how to perform this tasks:

  1. Choose "Administration -> Server Management -> Edit Server access authorization" and enter the access authorizations provided by Daimler.
    It is highly recommended to do this as a first step. If you do not have a access authorization available, wait until you received it from Daimler.
    If you do not have a StartKey ordered, go into the screen and tell Daimler about your special LAN-ID which is required for the creation of your personal access authorization.
  2. Choose "Administration -> Server Management -> Server Configuration" to modify important system attributes. You should at least enter correct values for your email server to allow the basic messaging within EWA net.
  3. Choose "Administration -> Workshop" to correct the attributes of the installed default workshop. You must change the following attributes that match your environment:
    - Workshop No. This must be the one officially provided by Daimler. This field allows 1-20 alphanumeric characters.
    - Description: A short text that describes this workshop.
    - Country: Select the country your workshop resides in.
    Click on "Update" to store your changes.
  4. Choose "Administration -> Permission Group" to correct the attributes of the installed default group. Basically change the attributes:
    - Name
    - Description
    As you now have at least one valid server access authorization installed, you may also modify the access rights for the applications for users of this group. If you do not have any access authorizations you will see that you can only update the group by disabling the access authorizations.
  5. Choose "Administration -> User". Click on the user "admin" to correct and complete your profile data. Feel free to change as many attributes as you like to, but most of all you should at least set the attributes for:
    - First Name
    - Last Name
    - EMail address. This is especially needed for all the messaging parts throughout EWA net.
    Click on "Update" to store your changes.

4.3 Enter EWA net server StartKeys

As recommended above one of the first steps to be performed on a clean system is to install the valid server access authorization you received from Daimler.

If you do not have access authorizations you will need to provide the so called "LAN-ID" unique ID of your system.  By use of the main menu just click on "Server Management" and then on "Edit Server access authorization".

The screen shows the LAN-ID of your system. This ID has to be provided to Daimler if you need to request a access authorization which is valid for your system.

Once you have your StartKeys , you can simply enter them here and press on the button "Save". If your StartKeys are valid, the screen will be refreshed and the access authorization attributes will be visible. Furthermore, the error message in the banner bar has gone.

You can now see:

Following actions are allowed on this screen:

  1. View access authorization:
    Display the real content of the access rights in a human readable manner.

  2. View access authorization Pool:
    Display the current pool of access authorizations and free allocated access authorizations if needed. A server administrator can modify the access authorization pool of the whole server, a workshop administrator can only cope with access authorizations of his own workshop.

4.4 Server Configuration

The most flexible but also most complex way of configuring EWA net is by editing the XML based configuration files. To ease up the basic setup for the smaller "local" EWA net installations the Server Configuration mask should help to get the most typical properties configured quickly. After storing the new configuration you simply have to restart the server to make the changes active.

The first sections deal with basic services of EWA net like the Email Service. Many components rely on this service to be configured correctly, so fill these fields correctly. The lower part of the screen allows you to change some basic operation modes of the User Management, i.e. whether you want the login name to be checked case sensitive or not.

You may want the Email Service to make use of clear text sender names like "EWA net access authorization Reminder". To achieve this you may use email addresses like:
EWA net access authorization Reminder <>
instead of simply using i.e.

As mentioned, after applying all your changes, you have to restart the server. A confirmation dialog will tell you about it. The easiest way to do this is by use of the AdminTool.

4.5 Manage EWA net Workshops

With a standard installation of EWA net, only one workshop will be supported and can be maintained. This workshop own all the rights and limitations from the server access authorizations, i.e. the number of active users per application that may be setup as well as the top level access rights for the applications.

So, if you are running EWA net only for one workshop, the management is quite easy. You can just update the basic properties of the workshop as already learned. The screen below shows how the "Edit Workshop" screen looks like. In the example below, we were bad guys :) - we did not yet install the server access authorization before performing this action. The info banner tells us about the server access authorization in the upper right corner..

Once you changed the mode (see the configuration for "Cascaded Workshop Administration") and restarted the server, you will see that multiple workshops will be supported now. The handling now also changed slightly.

4.5.1 Working with multiple workshops

You can now:

As long as no access authorizations are installed or the integrity of the licensing is not ensured, you will see a warning like this:

As soon as at least one correct access authorization has been installed those warnings will have gone.

The properties of an individual workshop now have been extended slightly:

  1. Each workshop allocates a distinct number of user access authorizations from the server access authorization per application individually. If the sum of all workshops allocates more access authorizations than the server access authorization provides, the integrity checks will alert this and you might not be able to start applications anymore.
  2. The access rights from the server access authorization can be restricted further on this workshop level

4.5.2 Search for Workshops

This functionality is only available once you have "cascaded workshop administration" switched on.

Whenever you get into the Workshop administration masks and have support for multiple workshops switched on, you will see a list of workshops. If you get into this screen the first time, you will see a list of all available workshops. Once you performed a search, your search criteria will be used - until you click on Clear search criteria or perform a new search.

You can enter criteria like this:

4.5.3 Create a new Workshop

Clicking into the Workshop menu will guide you into the workshops overview screen. Here you may create a new Workshop by clicking on Create.

To create a valid workshop you will have to fill out at least the required attributes. For the Workshop No. only an official Daimler workshop number will be allowed which is 1-20 alphanumeric characters in length.

After a software update from a pre 1.3 version of EWA net you should edit all your workshops and review the workshop numbers. If they do not meet the requirements listed here, please adjust them.

For the workshop you may also (like for the Permission Groups later on) decide whether groups and users of this workshop