1 Release Notes for EWA net 1.9
2 Introduction
3 EWA net Installer
3.1 Current Version 1.9.229
3.1.1 Changes / New Functionality
3.1.2 Fixes from last Version
3.1.3 Known Issues
3.1.4 Open Items / Not Implemented Yet
4 EPC net Installer
4.1 Current version 1.20.5
4.1.1 Changes / New Functionality
4.1.2 Fixes from last Version
4.1.3 Known Issues
4.1.4 Open Items / Not Implemented Yet
5 Core Components
5.1 Current Version 1.10.776.0
5.1.1 Changes / New Functionality
5.1.2 Fixes from last Version
5.1.3 Known Issues
5.1.4 Open Items / Not Implemented Yet
5.2 Version 1.10.757.1
5.2.1 Changes / New Functionality
5.2.2 Fixes from last Version
5.2.3 Known Issues
5.2.4 Open Items / Not Implemented Yet
5.3 Version 1.10.739.0
5.3.1 Changes / New Functionality
5.3.2 Fixes from last Version
5.3.3 Known Issues
5.3.4 Open Items / Not Implemented Yet
6 EWA net Admin Tool
6.1 Current Version 1.9.229
6.1.1 Changes / New Functionality
6.1.2 Fixes from last Version
6.1.3 Known Issues
6.1.4 Open Items / Not Implemented Yet
7 WIS net
7.1 Current version
7.1.1 Changes / New Functionality
7.1.2 Fixes from last Version
7.2 Version
7.2.1 Changes / New Functionality
7.2.2 Fixes from last Version
7.3 Version
7.3.1 Changes / New Functionality
7.3.2 Fixes from last Version
7.4 Version
7.4.1 Changes / New Functionality
7.4.2 Fixes from last Version
8 EPC net 
8.1 Version 1.20.5
8.1.1 Changes / New Functionality
8.1.2 Fixes from last Version
8.2 Version 1.20.4
8.2.1 Changes / New Functionality
8.2.2 Fixes from last Version
8.3 Version 1.20.3
8.3.1 Changes / New Functionality
8.3.2 Fixes from last Version
8.4 Version 1.20.2
8.4.1 Changes / New Functionality
8.4.2 Fixes from last Version
8.5 Version 1.20.1
8.5.1 Changes / New Functionality
8.5.2 Fixes from last Version
8.6 Version 1.20.0
8.6.1 Changes / New Functionality
8.6.2 Fixes from last Version
8.6.3 Known Issues

1 Release Notes for EWA net 1.9


2 Introduction

This document describes the changes in the software since the last release. Please check which parts are affecting your environment carefully.

3 EWA net Installer

3.1 Current Version 1.9.229

3.1.1 Changes / New Functionality


3.1.2 Fixes from last Version


3.1.3 Known Issues


3.1.4 Open Items / Not Implemented Yet


4 EPC net Installer

4.1 Current version 1.20.5

4.1.1 Changes / New Functionality


4.1.2 Fixes from last Version

- none -

4.1.3 Known Issues

- none -

4.1.4 Open Items / Not Implemented Yet

- none -

5 Core Components

5.1 Current Version 1.10.776.0

5.1.1 Changes / New Functionality


 Modifications in Feedback moduleDas Feedback Modul hat wieder die "Email or Fax" Funktionalität, um paralleles Betreiben dieser Modi zu erlauben. In der Serverkonfigurationsseite gibt es also vier Feedback Auswahlmöglichkeiten: Fax, E-Mail, Fax or E-Mail, XSF 2.

Bedeutung der Konfigurationsdateien:

2.1. feedbackRecipients.xml - Wird verwendet nur falls der Server im "Fax or E-Mails" Modus ist. Hat dieselbe Funktionalität wie früher: anhand von Land, Kategorie und Sparte wird entschieden, ob der Modus letztendlich Fax oder E-mail sein soll. Für nicht aufgelistete Länder wird das <default> Tag verwendet.

2.2. feedbackTransfer.xml - Wird immer verwendet. Hier werden Länder (mit Codes) aufgelistet, die immer in Richtung XSF umgeleitet werden egal wie der Server momentan eingestellt ist (hat also höhere Prio als feedbackRecipients.xml) 3. Die erste Feedback Seite hat jetzt Überschrift "Daimler Feedback", wenn im "Fax or E-Mail" Modus, denn der eigentliche Modus wird erst nach Auswahl der Kategorie bestimmt. Die nachfolgenden Seiten haben einen definierten Titel z.B. "Daimler Fax Feedback" usw.


5.1.2 Fixes from last Version

  Bugfix for switch-off of FeedbackDue to a bug it was not possible to switch-off the Feedback with the "started" check-box on the server configuration page.
This is now fixed.
  Bugfix for admin toolWhen updating an EPC database the correct DVD ID is now shown at the first request for a DVD ("CDDBB2" instead of "CDDBDW2").

5.1.3 Known Issues

4715SeriousServereinstellungen: Verhalten bei fehlender URL nicht stimmigFeedback Channel "XSF"; wird keine URL angegeben, kommt eine Fehlermeldung hoch "XSF www-Adresse erforderlich" - dass ist richtig.
Aber dann:
Der Haken "Gestartet" wird entfernt (Feedback wird inaktiv)
Die Einstellungen werden gespeichert.
Die Fehlermeldung wird weiterhin angezeigt.
So sollte das Verhalten sein:
Der Haken "Gestartet" bleibt gesetzt.
Die Einstellungen werden nicht gespeichert.
Die Fehlermeldung bleibt bestehen solange die Eingabe nicht korrekt ist.
Wie auch anderer Stelle muss auch hier folgendes gelten:
Wenn eine Fehlermeldung angezeigt wird, impliziert dies das nichts gespeichert wurde. Es kann erst gespeichert werden, wenn die Eingaben korrekt sind.
4708MediumSpaces in EPC nav path created from HP RoutineEPC nav path contains blanks. These blanks are not coming from EPC itself. Please check HP routine

5.1.4 Open Items / Not Implemented Yet


5.2 Version 1.10.757.1

5.2.1 Changes / New Functionality


4731Import feature of the BAM tool should delete GSS & FIN-Cache entriesMr Wendrich (TSS) requested that the BAM tool should delete the GSS and FIN-Cache entries for all users being imported before it starts to import the data. Currently the relevant GSS and FIN-Cache records must be manually deleted before the BAM import operation (file to DB) is started.
4729Import feature of the BAM Tool is too slowMr Wendrich (TSS) reported that:
The export of GSS & FIN-Cache entries the German market takes 2 minutes.
The import of GSS & FIN-Cache entries the German market takes 48 minutes which is too long.

Respective GSS operations were optimized which led to a considerable reduction of the import time.

5.2.2 Fixes from last Version

4730SeriousEPC net HTTP 400 Fehler mit neuer EWA net ArchitekturFehlerbeschreibung:
1. Das Problem ist ausschließlich für einen EPC net Use Case zu sehen; WIS net ist von diesem Problem nicht betroffen.
2. Der Fehler wird nur über das Internet erzeugt. EPC net ClientChecker Ausführungen, die intern als Lasttest in Hambach über Apache NLB Server oder ISA Array Server ausgeführt werden, erzeugen nicht das Problem.
3. Die Authentifizierung über HTTPS funktioniert immer ohne Probleme.
4. Ein erfolgreicher Verbindungsaufbau zum EWA net Server benötigt nach unsere Analyse zwei TCP/IP Verbindungen. Die erste Verbindung überträgt dabei keine Daten. Die zweite Verbindung ruft über die HTTP Post Methode die EPC net Applikation auf. Im Fehlerfall scheitert der Aufbau der ersten Verbindung; der Client versucht eine Verbindung zum ISA Server aufzubauen (SYN Paket). Der Vorgang wird nach 3000ms wiederholt; wiederum ohne Erfolg. Der Aufbau der zweiten Verbindung findet dann nach 2000ms erfolgreich statt. Danach wird umgehend über die zweite Verbindung der HTTP Post Request zum Aufruf der EPC net Applikation abgeschickt. Dieser Aufruf wird mit einer HTTP 400 Fehlermeldung im ClientChecker Log File quittiert (siehe ClientChecker Log File).
5. Im Apache Error Log File wird folgende Fehlermeldung angezeigt ( ist die ISA Server IP Adresse):
[Sun Jul 20 09:48:08 2008] [error] [client] request failed: error reading the headers
6. Die HTTP 400 Fehlermeldung war uns vor der neuen EWA net Architektur (Apache 2.2.8 Server mit mod_jk 1.2.26) nicht bekannt.
4728MediumUM: AdminException during user search with date restrictionAn AdminException is shown during the user search with a date restriction. This behaviour happened first in EWA net 1.8, the upgrade to EWA net 1.9 didn't fix the problem.
4727CriticalGSS getObjectEntries(...) incorrectly returns nullThere was a bug in the getObjectEntries(...) helper method which caused null to be returned if there were no entries for one or more of the passed keys.
4726CriticalNullPointerException in GSS[In 1.9.192] The caching is active for this GSS key (see core_cfg.xml <PARAMETER name="cacheablePrefixesCSV">EPC:MANUFACTURERNOTE:</PARAMETER>) so it is returned from the new cache code in 1.9.192 - If there are no records found for a key then a NPE was thrown instead of returning null.
4723SeriousUM: User overview is incompleteOn s00hud06 only 15 users are displayed within Admin GUI. This seems to be only a display problem: The users still exist, each user can be found within the search. The copied user database shows the same problem with EWA net 1.8
4722MediumHersteller-Notizen: alle Meldungen müssen internationalisierbarDa nicht davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass die Anwender dieser Funktion Englisch verstehen, müssen alle Fehlermeldungen internationalisierbar sein.
4721MediumFehlerhandling Hersteller-Notizen verwaltenBei Import findet keine Fehlerverarbeitung statt:
Wird keine oder eine nicht vorhandene Datei angebenen, passiert nichts; es kommt keine Fehlermeldung hoch.
Wird eine xml-Datei angegebenen, die nicht valide im Sinne der DTD ist, wird ein leerer Bildschirm gezeigt. Anwendung scheint zu hängen.
4720MediumSkriptfehler beim Löschen der Hersteller-NotizBeim Löschen der Hersteller-Notiz tritt Skript-Fehler auf.
4719MediumMaske u. Funktion Hersteller-Notiz analog Markt-NotizenDie Maske und die Funktion "Hersteller-Notizen verwalten" sollte analog "Markt-Notizen verwalten" umgesetzt werden:
1) Falls noch keine importierten Hersteller-Notizen vorhanden sind eine entspr. Information ausgeben (s. manufactureNotes_keine_vorhanden.gif)
2) Export der Hersteller-Notizen über das "Exportieren"-Icon in der "Aktionen"-Spalte
3) Zum besseren Verständnis: Überschriften "Importierte Hersteller-Notizen", "Hersteller-Notizen importieren" hinzufügen
zu 2) und 3) siehe Maske: "manufactureNotes_soll.gif"
4) Es ist genug Platz da, damit die Spalte "Aktionen" vollständig angezeigt wird. Bei der Bildschirmauflösung von 1024x768 ist dies nicht der Fall!
4714MediumHersteller-Notiz: 2 Adressen hardcodedAufruf "Manufacturer Notes" hardcoded.
In der Maske "Hersteller-Notizen verwalten" ist der Button "Submit" hardcoded (soll: Importieren heißen)
4581MediumNachricht erstellen: Blauer statt roter Stern vor falsch gefülltem FeldEin falsch gefülltes Feld bzw. Muss-Felder werden mit einem wenig auffallendem blauen Stern statt mit einem roten markiert.
Siehe attachment. An anderen Stellen ist dieses Hinweis-Sternchen nach wie vor rot. Dies sollte hier auch so sein!

Asterisk is now red instead of blue.
4542MediumDokumentation: NameChange, Style für Zellen, Entfernen alter EinträgeBitte bei der nächsten Lieferung NameChange von DaimlerChrsyler -> Daimler durchführen (gilt nicht für die DTS-Einträge)
In den ReleaseNotes Einträge, die nicht zum aktuellen Major-Release gehören, löschen.
z. B. für ReleaseNotes_core.htm Major-Release 1.10: Einträge von 1.9.* - 1.0* incl. Access Gateway löschen
ReleaseNotes_core.htm und ReleaseNotes_admin_tool.htm:
Style für alle zu unterdrückenden Zellen auf "INTERNAL" setzen.

Release notes document was adjusted according to the request.

5.2.3 Known Issues

4715SeriousServereinstellungen: Verhalten bei fehlender URL nicht stimmigFeedback Channel "XSF"; wird keine URL angegeben, kommt eine Fehlermeldung hoch "XSF www-Adresse erforderlich" - dass ist richtig.
Aber dann:
Der Haken "Gestartet" wird entfernt (Feedback wird inaktiv)
Die Einstellungen werden gespeichert.
Die Fehlermeldung wird weiterhin angezeigt.
So sollte das Verhalten sein:
Der Haken "Gestartet" bleibt gesetzt.
Die Einstellungen werden nicht gespeichert.
Die Fehlermeldung bleibt bestehen solange die Eingabe nicht korrekt ist.
Wie auch anderer Stelle muss auch hier folgendes gelten:
Wenn eine Fehlermeldung angezeigt wird, impliziert dies das nichts gespeichert wurde. Es kann erst gespeichert werden, wenn die Eingaben korrekt sind.
4708MediumSpaces in EPC nav path created from HP RoutineEPC nav path contains blanks. These blanks are not coming from EPC itself. Please check HP routine

5.2.4 Open Items / Not Implemented Yet


5.3 Version 1.10.739.0

5.3.1 Changes / New Functionality


 Support of Archive DVDAdmin tool now supports installation of an archive DVD if one is necessary.
For details please see specification (available on request from HP).
 Support of Manufacturer NotesCreation of EPC manufacturer notes is now supported.
For details please see specification (available on request from HP).
 GSS memory cacheSummary:

The GSS Memory Cache was implemented in the GSSV2 (GSS V1 is deprecated and not further developed and thus will not support caching) and will be transparent to users of the GSSV2 interface (i.e. EPC, WIS and Core Programmers).


The addition of the cache feature will have the positive effect of vastly improving the performance of some GSS "get" (read) methods.

The addition of the cache feature will have the negative effect of minimally (<1% ?) worsening the performance of "get" GSS methods for results which are not in the cache.

The addition of the cache feature will have the negative effect of minimally (<1% ?) worsening the performance of "add" or "update" (write) GSS methods, independent of whether the item .

Expected Cache Items:

The cache should only be used to cache items that remain mostly static over a period of time and where a delay of up to x minutes between them being added/deleted/updated in the database and being returned by GSS e.g. Market Notes and Manufacturer Notes

Known limitations / Problems in Clustered environments:

Use of non-sticky sessions with an activated GSS Cache will cause items to appear and disappear between clicks until all members of the application cluster have refreshed their caches.

Authoring instances (i.e. Systems which are used by authors to add entries which will be cached) should only be

a) Single app server instances or
b) Clusters with sticky sessions (or deactivate the cache)
c) Clusters with sticky sessions with the cache deactivated - which may have the side effect of very poor performance and is thus not recommended

Cache Updates:

A cache will be completely updated after a fixed period of time which will be configurable. The proposed default will be 60 minutes.

Cache Configuration:

Only GSS get Requests with visibility = VISIBLE_ALL will be handled by the cache.

The cache can be configured to cache based on a set of partial keys (prefixes).
e.g. epc:manufacturernote and epc:marketnote would cause all keys beginning with "epc:manufacturernote" or "epc:marketnote"

Only GSS get requests matching the defined keys will be handled by the cache, all other requests will incur the normal DB roundtrip.

GSS writes which match the cache keys will be written to the database and also added immediately to the cache ensuring that the user sees his own entry immediately (note: see restrictions about authoring instances above).

Memory Requirements:

As the cache is stored in RAM it will utilize some of the JVM Memory (Heap). We are currently expecting a system to be configured to cache Market Notes and Manufacturer Notes which will result in approximated 10500 GSS Entries being cached. We expect this to consume ~10MB extra memory thus the Tomcat / WebSphere instances may need to be allocated an extra 10MB of RAM. (Possible change in the installer and Documentation).

4687Country selection in the Fax and E-Mail feedback modiWhen in Fax or E-Mail feedback mode the user needs to enter his General Data, which includes a country. The country is now read and preset from the settings of the workshop.
4685Country specific feedback redirection to XSFIt was not possible to redirect separate countries to XSF if the central server has been set to some other feedback channel. As however the rollout of the XSF system is country based, such a possibity was now made available.
Countries that should override the currently set feedback channel and use XSF instead will be defined in an XML file that will initially contain no entries. Adding new country codes to this file will be performed by the server administrators.
4684Remove unnecessary channels and categories from the feedback1. The channels "Email or fax", "CSF (e-mail)", "CSF (fax)" were removed from the feedback settings.
2. The category "System problems" was removed from the feedback. => EWA net feedback will not deal with any system or IT problems, but with application domain issues only.
4683Deactivate unnecessary settings fields for different feedback channels1. Selecting E-Mail feedback deactivates the XSF URL field.
2. Selecting XSF feedback deactivates the E-Mail field.
4682Rename "XML-Post" to "XSF"The name of the XSF feedback channel in the server settings combo box is now XSF and not XML-Post.
4681Display feedback channel in category pageThe currently set feedback channel of the server is now displayed to the user in the feedback category selection page:
"Daimler XSF Feedback", "Daimler E-Mail Feedback", "Daimler Fax Feedback"
4660Migration of the CSF URL FailedAfter update to in the core_cfg.xml in the Section Feedback the entry's URL under CustomerServiceRequest and CSF are not migrated. After the update the default value is written. But it should be the value that it has for the update, this should be migrated

The value of CSF will be migrated in case it includes the new URL of the new CSF server: Otherwise it will be overwritten.

Please make the same for this URL (CustomerServiceRequest) that I asked for the URL (CSF). If you install the DVD from the next month please back up these values from the existing installation and make then the normal update and at the end please write this value back to the URLs in the new core_cfg.xml

Was implemented in the way described.

n.a.FeedbackFeedback Button "Zubehör PKW" was renamed to "Zubehör".
n.a.FeedbackWhen selecting a feedback channel all unnecessary information is disabled,
e.g when changing the type under "Administration->Server->Edit Server Configuration->Feedback" then the fields for email address, URL etc. are set to disabled (or enabled) automatically, and the colour is changed also.
4588FIN historie delete of single entries inside ApplicationThis mechanism has already been available in the HPServices since EWA net 1.7
4511EWANAPI Extensions for DSB IntegrationDSB Will integrate EWANAPI as Java Library including DLL to call ASSYST in WIS net to generate Maintenance Sheets by parameters. This call will be done in Background mode so that WIS net is starting up non-interactively and will just print.

To prevent problems in startup, the API should be extended to allow checking, if the client is configured properly to be able to start up WIS net.
In some cases, users have access to the DSB component but not to WIS net.

The API/method needs to check whether an EWANAPI.INI oder EWANAPI cookie is located on the PC and therefore in theory a startup is possible. It will not check, whetherthe startup IS working or the EWA net server is reachable (out of scope, simple test only)

Check integrated into official EWANAPI API.
New method is called:
boolean isConfigured()
and returns true if EWA net contact information can be found on the local system, false otherwise.
4490Improvement of Star Tek Access to EWA netSome performance improvements in the Access Gateway Servlet for the Star Tek access to EWA net were implemented.
4472Extended User Management via WebServiceAs requested by EVOBUS for the EVOBUS administration there is a requirement to allow user management by a external group which is not server administrator for EWA net.

As EWA net provides the roles "Server Administrator", "Workshop Administrator" and "User", this additional request is not fitting into the role model of EWA net. Extensions to this role model are not easy as the user management was not prepared for additional role definitions.

Proposed and agreed solution with EVOBUS is that EWA net provides a Web Service for user management administration tasks for external entities.

This solution was implemented with EWA net 1.9
4453Optimize the SQL Statements Executed on the EWACore DBThe SQL Statements being exectued on the EWA Core DB should be Traced, Analysed and Optimized.
Tracing should be done at the DB Level (with MS SQL Profiler).
The Traces statements should be analysed for
1) Overuse - Statements that are being called multiple times when the client could "cache" the results
2) Large amounts of Query Data e.g. very long SQL Statements
3) Large amounts of Returned Data as a response to the query. (Especially Select statements with no Where clause)
4) Statements that could be rewritten for better performance. This may include optimizing the java code too.
5) Statements that require "large" amounts of SQL Server CPU Time
6) Statements that have a long execution "duration"

a) HPUMUserInformationService.getUserDetails() Optimized to use 4 statements. The 3 Statements are now executed on a single persistence manager instance instead of on two separate ones. This resuces the number of simultaneous connections required from 2 to 1 and thus the number of validation queries from 2 to 1 that the connection pool (DBCP) issues due to the "testOnBorrow=true" setting.

b)FCA_FIN_CACHE.getFinExistsWithUser(...) just gets the count instead of the whole FIN Cache Record to see if the record exists. Thus transferring less data.

c) FINCacheServiceImpl.addFIN(String userId, String FIN)
A transaction is only started if we really need to write to the DB. This saves the BEGIN TRANSACTION [caused by setAutoCommit(false)], Unnecessary Commit etc if the FIN is already known.

d)MessagingManager.getMyMessages(HttpServletRequest request)
Removed the user parameter and got the UM_USER instance from the session rather than querying it from the database.

e) GSSV2Impl: This is used to prevent starting transactions when only read operations are performed on the GSS [connection].
4360Rückmeldung zu EPC net: nicht immer Marke/Sparte + BM erforderlichStartet man aus EPC net eine Rückmeldung aus dem SA-Modus oder dem Modus "Lacke/Betriebsstoffe", ist kein Fahrzeugkontext vorhanden. Dieser wird aber in der Rückmeldung zu EPC net verlangt. Dort ist die Eingabe von Marke/Sparte und einem 6-stelligen BM zwingend. Hier sollte man eine Rückmeldung ermöglichen ohne das diese Felder gefüllt sind.

Feedback is now possible without vehicle context.

5.3.2 Fixes from last Version

4654MediumLokale Installation; Passwort vergessen: SkriptfehlerDetected by Mrs Duehnen:
Auf meiner lokalen Installation bzw. auf dem Testclient TCLIENT27 passiert nichts, wenn ich den button "Passwort vergessen?" drücke.
Mit der Browseroption "Skriptfehler anzeigen" sieht man, dass ein Skriptfehler die Ursache ist.

Issue was now resolved.

4648MediumJRE in Daimler with 2 active networ card slows down EWA netIn the following conditions EWA net client applications are slow:
- 2 Active network Cards with a valid IP address assigned (WLAN+fixed LAN)
- Old Java runtime, Daimler patched
- Proxy usage with no direct internet connection (Daimler internal to

Issue arises from the cause that the EWA net client tries to determine its local IP address. If there is more than one adapter, the only way is to generate a network connection to the target server to then use the own socket as IP address. In the described scenario the proxy host can not be determined and the client tries to access the EWA net server directly - this access is prohibited by the Daimler firewall.

In EWA net 1.9 and newer, the local IP address is only determined once, if this fails, the first address is just used.

4646MediumApache HTTP Server responds Error code 500 on EWA net Custom HTTP CodesAs seen during the rollout of a new HTTP web load balancer at TSS, the apache HTTPD server in version 2.2 using Tomcat plugin Mod-JK Version 1.2.26 and EWA net versions using Tomcat 5.5 the HTTPS sometimes responds back incorrect HTTP result codes to client. This is happening when EWA net specific return codes (450-461 or 550-560) are generated.

Root cause of the problem is that when the application returns with the response code WITHOUT providing a text detail information, this return code is transported up through TOmcat and Mod-JK plugin to HTTPD server which stumbles over a non existent result code. Apache HTTPD converts this code to HTTP 500 Server Error.

This issue can be resolved in the chain in HTTPD Server, Mod-JK Plugin, Tomcat or EWA net.
Plugin version 1.2.27 will be released soon which will handle this issue.

Fixed this problem with a workaround in EWA net core code. Eliminated all statements where an empty response message in custom error handling code is generated.

Class HTTPExtendedCodes was patched to ensure that a return message is generated always.
4645LowInclude adjusted images for installer into next EWA net deliveryAdjusted images are now included.
4622Seriousum_cfg.xml value hostNameLabelOverride not takenIf you have no value in the entry hostNameLabelOverride then on the lower border of the EWA net webpage you see there Server: Hostname and IP-Adresse.
If you give this entry a value then you see in the Border only Server: and nothing else no Hostname, no IP-Adress and also not the value that you have given.

Issue was fixed.

4581MediumNachricht erstellen: Blauer statt roter Stern vor falsch gefülltem FeldEin falsch gefülltes Feld bzw. Muss-Felder werd mit einem wenig auffallendem blauen Stern statt mit einem roten markiert.
Siehe attachment. An anderen Stellen ist dieses Hinweis-Sternchen nach wie vor rot. Dies sollte hier auch so sein!

Asterisk is now red instead of blue.
4559Medium"Historie wirklich löschen" wird wg. Skript-Fehler nicht angezeigtDer Dialog "Historie wirklich löschen" wird wg. Skript-Fehler nicht angezeigt.
In allen Sprachen.
Tritt beim Löschen einer einzelnen FIN über das Lösch-Icon in der Spalte "Aktionen" auf.

Issue is now fixed.

4552MediumWerkstatt-Admin, Zugriffsberechtigung: Weiße Schrift auf hellgrauWeiße Scrift auf hellgrauem Hintergrund nicht lesbar.
Nur Werkstatt-Adminstratoren bekommen die Maske Zugriffsberechtigung in dieser Form.
Das ganze ist unabhängig von der Sprache bzw. vom Rechner!

Issue is now fixed.

4542MediumDokumentation: NameChange, Style für Zellen, Entfernen alter EinträgeBitte bei der nächsten Lieferung NameChange von DaimlerChrsyler -> Daimler durchführen (gilt nicht für die DTS-Einträge)
In den ReleaseNotes Einträge, die nicht zum aktuellen Major-Release gehören, löschen.
z. B. für ReleaseNotes_core.htm Major-Release 1.10: Einträge von 1.9.* - 1.0* incl. Access Gateway löschen
ReleaseNotes_core.htm und ReleaseNotes_admin_tool.htm:
Style für alle zu unterdrückenden Zellen auf "INTERNAL" setzen.

Release notes document was adjusted according to the request.

4477Mediumunsorted combo box "Workshop" within dialog "Create User"Within the dialog "Create user" the combo box of workshop selection is not sorted.

The Workshops are really sorted, however the Groups are still unsorted.

Workshops are now also sorted.
4132MediumEWA net User Reporting EMailEmail heading changed to "EWA net StartKey Usage Report"

5.3.3 Known Issues


5.3.4 Open Items / Not Implemented Yet


6 EWA net Admin Tool

6.1 Current Version 1.9.229

6.1.1 Changes / New Functionality


6.1.2 Fixes from last Version


6.1.3 Known Issues


6.1.4 Open Items / Not Implemented Yet


7 WIS net

7.1 Current version

7.1.1 Changes / New Functionality

No DTSView "ASSYST/Addtional Work Items"Table row height and check box size increased in view "ASSYST/Addtional Work Items" for easier selection on Compact4's touch screen.

7.1.2 Fixes from last Version

DTS 4569SeriousASRANo information found in ASRA for ASSYST for certain vehicle types
No DTS ASRAPrinting of operation item list broken due to fix of DTS 4545

7.2 Version

7.2.1 Changes / New Functionality

No DTSASRA BM selection dialogFirst column renamed from "Fahrzeugart" to "Sparte"

7.2.2 Fixes from last Version

DTS 4096SeriousASRAUnnecessary Baumuster-Selection-Dialog for determining Damage Code for ASRA "Arbeitsposition".
DTS 4545MediumASRAColumns "U" and "H" at wrong position in operation items list view
DTS 4732MediumASRACombo boxes "Family" and "TKZ" remain deactivated in vehicle identification view
No DTS ASSYSTFiltering of maintenance documents for "Neue Wartungsstrategie" doesn't work if no EPC datacard service is available
No DTS GUIDocument list in view "Literature/Documents" not operable with bigger fonts on Compact4.

7.3 Version

7.3.1 Changes / New Functionality

No DTSXBC Bus PopupXBC-Bus-Popup also for 3-5 digit baumusters.
No DTSNeue WartungsstrategieFix for mixed Lenkung and Werk codes in ASSYST/Neue Wartungsstrategie.
No DTSCompact 4 UIImproved C4 gui adaptions (Combo boxes Infothek1, Infotypes panel in Infothek 2 and Setup).

7.3.2 Fixes from last Version

DTS 4637SeriousASRAEngine from datacard overrides engine of all ASRA vehicles in vehicle selection dialog.

7.4 Version

7.4.1 Changes / New Functionality

DTS 4545ASRA Operation items listAdded U and H columns for operation items list.
DTS 4306ASRA General IntroductionGeneral ASRA Introduction menu item.
No DTSASSYST document selectionMissing column headers in ASSYST document selection dialog
No DTSDocument TreeCheck for cyclic references in document tree.
DTS 2090ASRA Group SelectionASRA: Button "Arrow down" now also works for full construction group selection
DTS 4398DXF DiagramsMultiple Selection for references in DXF diagrams (same Popup as for svg diagrams)
DTS 4469 + 4415Document display / printingPartial Optimization of document display / printing.
DTS 4510Case Online Importersetup.ini for WIS Case Online Importer should also come from Danet
DTS 3555SSL Standalonestreamlining install package of SSL Standalone
No DTSGUIC4 GUI adaptions, step 2
No DTSMaintenanceNew maintenance stategy
No DTS + DTS 3797Footer (SIDS + wiring diagrams)Prints of wiring diagrams - Keep page numbers visible in footer.
Consistent solution for footer for SIDS document printing (incl. ASSYST) and diagram printing
DTS 2096DatacardSA-Numbers: Added numbers and description in datacard
DTS 4283Print diagramsPrint small glueing lines instead of continuous line
No DTSEWA Net FeedbackChanged date format from mmyy to mmyyyy (year 4-digit now).
DTS 4703Statistics logfileAdded country code for writing in WIS net statistics logfile
No DTSXBC-Bus PopupXBC-Bus Popup now also possible for 3 digit baumuster entries in database
No DTSEWANapiEWANapi Assyst background call for FINs without datacard in EPC now falls back to typ-baumuster and motor-baumuster

7.4.2 Fixes from last Version

DTS 4573SeriousASRA SSL callSSL call from ASRA after invalid FIN (no datacard found, but vehicle in ASRA DB).
No DTS ASSYSTMissing column headers in ASSYST dialog "Zusatzarbeiten" if a table header property is empty
DTS 4512SeriousInfothek1Wrong initialization for incomplete model
DTS 3826SeriousASSYSTAutomatic line breaks in servicesheet printouts (ASSYST)
DTS 2632MediumSIDS documentsRevoking change made for DTS 4295 now fixes wrong line indents.

8 EPC net 


8.1 Version 1.20.5

8.1.1 Changes / New Functionality


8.1.2 Fixes from last Version


47422 Transfer of Part Numbers from TIPS -problem with description text

8.2 Version 1.20.4

8.2.1 Changes / New Functionality

0P1354Footnote with Plant Code only
4601Change position of WIS-Icon
4666Information about JAVA-DownloadSize (Client) for each SW-Release needed

8.2.2 Fixes from last Version


46862 GLK Class not recognised as Chassis ( 204.9xx)
46782 "foreign" pipe in xfr file, see DTS4664 too
46772 special characters in xfr file (brackets ect...) see DTS 4663 too
46702 Connection pool leak COMM ABH
46642 xfr mixup when pipe is transfered from Tips
46632 bug in xfr - some letters are not accepted
46442 Tips call fails with blanks or special characters
02 Datacard not showing all Info text. Last line is missing.

8.3 Version 1.20.3

8.3.1 Changes / New Functionality

4577Part search with vehicle context should NOT have SA by default enabled.
This was reported by Tom Lehmann 21. April 2008.
4578Parts to Modell hitlist should have a description field

8.3.2 Fixes from last Version


45831 F11 vehicle context search is working inconsistent
45662 Shopping list price sort is not working
45651 SA search is very slow
45632 Datacard notes are not displayed correctly
39752 User/Market Notes - missing functionality

8.4 Version 1.20.2

8.4.1 Changes / New Functionality

0P1339Enhanced Filtering II
New handling minus codes
0P1340Part Search GUI navigation and Parts for Model
4442Please, insert the following address into

8.4.2 Fixes from last Version


45011 Missing yellow flag with existing notes for pictures
44992 User Notes not displayed if part has Market Note
44982 Languages change between German and English does stop working
44822 ES2 missing in JA/ZH Colour FN tables
44812 Hitlist PartsToModel ParNumber Format should not have 2 spaces.
44791 Problems while DB update between EPC net 1.19 and 1.20
44702 Search dialog width is for some languages too small
44662 Exception while initializing EPC servlet
user NULL not allowed for write access
44121 After running Orphan Notes utility all Notes are marked as Orphan!
44052 Print parts list is missing SA
43922 The Shoppinglist printoutletter are to smale . It should be bigger
43812 Hit list Type/Model to Parts search: Forward, Back icon
43802 Hit list Type/Model to Parts search: Not enough space for German. Wrong font and background colour
43362 EPC is closing itself after using print
42621 Print of Footnote looks bad (wrong printing font)
42422 F_EPC_F_PMAP_L_PARTNAME missed in
42351 multibyte language problem on spring tables
41772 Direct access to Kat 60M displays unnecessary popup
40302 Picture is not highlighted and changed.
40212 alphanumeric callout creates exception
39542 Spring footnote table is not aligned
39122 Expert Entry opens assortmentclass pulldown
38572 Bug in F11 "where used" wrong subgroup
38032 WDB 9061331N304537 - empty KG11
38022 Keyboard deselect from Shopping List - optional parts select - open points from DTS3672
37812 WDB 1680332J265322 - Ident Filter Problem
37282 ident filter problem Rev8 - Wrong use of Ident Footnote
36882 A9344000064 not found by F11
36522 Market Notes - Notes should be a hyperlink in admin list
35932 Getting Nulls next to the radio buttons in the part note admin screen
34792 F11 part search - wrong typed partname "blocks" search a while no hour glass shown
34622 Part Number search missing Model in Hit List
34473 Deleting of just now created notes is not possible in special case
34232 Japanese: SA on datacard "unknown"
34223 EventHandler: type could not be recognized (1001) when selecting parts
33342 datacard language fallback JA -> EN is missing
33322 Partsearch Hitlist shows "null" in column "Description"
32132 Data language pulldown has a prompt name entry (assumed Turkish)
30216 Shoppinglist-attribut deleted while migration
29723 no SLs in ASLM after migration with id script
29042 Image notes not editable.
28142 Image User notes added in 1.13.10 are not displayed at image
28002 validation error within the dialog "add part number"
27752 EPC_61d Search Window Panel - Input field formatting
27673 EPC_15 formatting of footnote
27543 Shopping list manager does not close with ESC key
27432 "add part" context menue has bug when click with right mouse button
27103 EPC_114 Notes -- "Picture" panel refresh problem
26982 If user enters a '-' ( dash character) in FIN field then cursor disappears.
26893 Rec 5 print to small - hard to read
26823 use EPC-Icons in Webstart window instead of the Java-Icons
26753 Footnote windows should have 'standard' icons and not buttons
26663 User Note keyword changes are not saved
26622 EPC_6s Cursor flashes in FIN field after Class
26613 EPC_6t from review
26602 Cursor movement inconsistencies
26603 Cursor movement inconsistencies
24142 Code info
23943 Part search not enough space for prompts
22483 default image missing
21433 No separate output and input fields for sub-model
13569 Pulldown menue for selection of the zoom factor should have a

8.5 Version 1.20.1

8.5.1 Changes / New Functionality

0P1002Shopppinglist Sort function
0P1003EWA links WIS net icon

8.5.2 Fixes from last Version


44391 Help does not work at all
44301 EPC net: Consistent behaviour for EWANAPI partslist calls needed
43972 Hit list: Filter fields aren't displayed after scaling down the window
43942 Footnote not visible
43932 Blank Colour Footnote displayed
43902 Shoppinglist Printout have sometime a brake in the Partsnumber
43891 THe EPC net Help do not open
43862 Hit list - Search for part with vehicle data: too much space
43792 Footnote window: Icon sequence, tool tip for star icon is missing
43782 Vehicle Amendement Text and Info text windows: Icon sequence
43772 Part search, hit list window isn't shown complete
43762 Part Search, hit list: Help icon without function
43732 Part Search, "Models in Catalog": "Catalogs", "Catalog Number" hardcoded
43722 Part Search, Tab "Type/Model to Parts": "Type Model" hardcoded
42602 Wrong Font when printing the Ht list - Search for part
40812 Shopping list filepath under Vista

8.6 Version 1.20.0

8.6.1 Changes / New Functionality

0View All Footnotes function:

The'Star' icon has been added to the Footnote window. When this Star icon is clicked it will refresh the Footnote window to display all Footnotes for the current callout Function Key <F6> will also do this when the Footnote window is displayed.
0Free Text Search in Vehicle data:

The 'Search' icon has been added to the Vehicle Amendement Text and Info text windows. User can enter any characters and search through the text will be done. All instances of the text found will be highlighted in yellow.

0Footnote Code string hyperlink:

In newer (DIALOG) catalogs a Footnote can include a Code string. Code strings are now displayed as a blue underlined link .Clicking on the code string will display the Code Information window for the user.

0Code-B descriptions for strings with parentheses:

 Code-B strings are older Code strings in the parts catalog. Clicking on these strings will now display the Code Information window, but it will NOT show 'Valid For' and 'Not Valid For'. Only the descriptions will be displayed for each Code.

1484BUG: Search for an SA (F10), then the vehicle-context vanished
2696From Chile there is a request fo a search function that shows all parts of a verhicle (BM)
3395Code Translation window at Footnotes
3396DK display and FN display in parallel
3402Kat Number Search
3527Parts search redesign
3840EVO Baukasten hiding like SV-SA needed (FN998)
4084EPC net: Feedback to handle more specific vehicle types
4113EPC net: change Feedback calls to new browser API

8.6.2 Fixes from last Version


44312 Part seach hit list: horizontal scroll bar doesn't work for filter field
43652 Shopping list description. Input of space not possible
43042 F11 search problem with vehicle context
42802 Print of picture: Picture no. should be on the same line as subgroup
42782 Part number truncated in Spanish printout
42692 Hardcopy Footnote printout shows wrong info in header
42592 Datacard: Paint and Equipment codes are not displayed in the last pos.
42452 Printout datacard: "Text" is misplaced, "Y" hardcoded; "Type" wrong, "Text" hardcoded - new prompt: F_EPC_F_DATACARD_CV_PRINT_HDR_TEXT
42321 Part search does not work for Sas
42081 Nullpointer Exception Vehicle context search undefined Table 'BM_PARTS_V'
41972 refresh problem
41172 Pos + Callout Highlighting is missing when navigate from a search hitlist
41012 Print of picture, if no picture is shown: Old picture is printed
40092 Look and Feel initialization too late during startup
39952 Search window - no yellow selection is made after search is performed
37852 Beitext in xfr file
35872 Baukasten are repeated on Datacard display when you open it again
34632 "null" in description field
25561 EWANapi-calls for EPC net: missing description of parts added by user
22732 EPC should show when no connection to server

8.6.3 Known Issues


13063 PQA 2347 No scroll bar for slm
22402 Removing internal logging
26722 EPC_99 ES2 code select issue with keyboard
26733 EPC_93 Sorting of Code/SA/Component table
27082 Shrunken FIN history pull-down-menu
27572 EPC_6n Keyboard operations - activation parts list
27582 EPC_6p Keyboard Operations - Jump to shopping list not possible
27592 EPC_6q Keyboard operations - activation of "shopping" list and "list overview"
27632 EPC_9 Pull-Down-Menus
27683 EPC_16b footnote unnecessarily displayed as a link
27703 EPC_22 formatting of the "parts list"
27732 EPC_48 Window "Shopping list details" enhanced functionality
27793 EPC_70h "Notes" window - Panel "Administration"
27803 EPC_77c FDOK-A Notes
27813 EPC_88 Model Designation Pull-down menu
27863 EPC_76 Format SA
28063 F3 does not always put the cursor in FIN field
28102 Motor sachnummer is missing from some Car Datacards
28703 Part Number column for smart Q parts is not wide enough
28813 Very wide BM overview puldown example
28833 Blue Frame around callout should not touch the number even in 38%
29243 Help address UT_EPC_F_SAVELIST_LH_HELP is used twice
29343 ESC key doesn't work in some windows (close/exit/abort)
29353 my shoplist view not stored after restart
29553 refresh problem for locked shoppinglists
29592 SA-stroke-FN-menue has bad style
29773 shoppinglist management - wrong selection
30612 coreClient Error Messages not in correct Language (EPC)
30822 Price disabled on Server will not hide the "Total price" line in shopping list
31019 Manually Added Part, Part Number Edit box reacts strange on delete keys
31022 partname in shoplist + language change
31442 Right mouse click on SL part does not highlight it
31492 tick in part list - auto-remove does not work
31552 EPC net: please do not transport HP client code
32409 EPC net: extended time for client exit when transfer file is on a share
32889 Some buttons have missing entry in property files.
32943 License error message shows up always in OS language and not in EPC net GUI language
33312 Keyboard Navigation is bad
33822 Disabled assortment classes appear in EPC net
33912 ewanapi call: EPC net window in background
34849 EPC net;: JNLP file contains password!
35502 Error Message when connection to EPC Database is lost
35602 Error message on each EPC net startup for optional config file
36263 Image and Text panes can get reversed
36392 Printmessage on Partlist not visible
36559 Remove EPC net Logging Filter from EPC net Config
36681 wrong exception handling of EPC net (need DTS 3690 before it can be fixed)
36742 part deselect in partlist does not work consistent
36753 empty line at part-pos ??
37023 2 clicks needed on toolbar icons when pulldown menu is open
37993 error message for notes -->
38892 EPC net Print is slow / Application hanging
40142 wrong KAT select on Sprinter
40239 After FIN entry cursor does not focus on Group selection box
40249 F3 Keyboard erase not working when focus in Group selection
40259 Context Erase using F3 not always moves focus to FIN field
40269 FIN entry not working anymore in certain circumstances
40642 Shopping lists can not be changed when ">" char is in name
41022 incredible effects
41423 Part number print format wrapp to new line
41522 "OK" button should close notes window
41652 EPC net does not print complete part list
41759 After starting the appl. the vertical splitting bar is on the right side
41762 wrong behaviour on right mouse click "copy part to clipboard"
41902 Retrieving datacard: amount of transferred download data
41912 E-Text and neutral Text - refered to DTS 3408
41932 Bug in WIN entry field
41961 Resizing the description column hides information
42142 Example where the Subgrp pulldown does not refresh the language correctly
42153 EPC net installer whines err... warns about missing JAR file
42163 EPC net installer warns about not being able to remove whatsnew archive
42442 Printout hitlist "Search part with vehicle data" Sales design.: null
42472 display of SA stroke in partlist looks wrong
42582 Code/SA/components search --> the whole list is not printed
43612 Shopmaterial Group is not handover to Feedback
43662 Don't download Server code to client
43842 Display of catalog number in the search result table
43852 market Notes requested during EPC net calls even when no notes installed
43962 Starting Search Part with veh. dialog 4 aggr. selectio in the background
44002 Scrollbar in the footnote window isn't fully displayed
44232 Orphan notes and Statistics page should use the DAI style sheet
45602 Orphan notes tool does not delete the orphan notes
45612 Readonly shopping lists get not directly refeshed in xfr file
45672 Optional parts deselection is not deleting part from shopping list
45682 Datacard print use only none serif fonts
45762 Print of a longer parts to model hitlist is not working
46282 EPCServlet throws a NullPointerException when userId is not valid
46312 Part display can get confused after incomplete search
46422 left/right arrow in FIN field causes a NPE
46472 EPC net: please do not ship J2EE code
46582 warranty column in shoplist edit not working as expected
46652 Notes window: all hotkeys work in the same way as in the main window
46882 EPC SSL connect is different for same part
46902 sometimes part select slows down EPC speed
46972 EPC should not install tbjdbc.jar or tbjdbcx.jarEPC should not install tbjdbc.jar or tbjdbcx.jar
47022 Datacard display has Paint Code 5 - Should it be deleted?