Single Reading

(VAG 1551/1552 function 09)

This function allows you to look at real-time data
from control modules that support it.  However,
the data stream coming from the control module
gives NO CLUE  what the data means or 
how to scale it into real-world values. 

The only way to know what the values mean 
is to find a reference to this function in the 
Workshop manual for your car.  However...

We've never seen this function actually called for in 
a Workshop Manual.   But since this function is 
available on the  VAG 1551 and 1552 factory tools,
we figured it should be available in VAG-COM too..

The very name of this function annoyed us,
so we added a twist.  You can look at two channels
of "Single Readings" at once...:-)

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